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Dr. Park is proud to help the LGBTQ+ community in fulfilling their dreams of having a family. We understand the difficulties and stress patients face as they take on this journey. LGBTQ+ fertility service specializes in egg/sperm donation, reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF), and surrogacy. Dr. Park has worked with thousands of intended parents who went through the egg donor/gestational carrier process and have had successful outcomes.

Sleeping Baby

Lesbian Couples

What to expect

  • Sperm source may come from a known donor or anonymous donor. 

  • Different treatment options available including intrauterine insemination and IVF. 

  • Depending on the couple’s decision, an IVF or IUI cycle will be performed.


  • Allows couples to have their own genetic children. 

  • IVF allows the couple to choose who will be the egg source and the partner who will carry the pregnancy.

More info

  • All sperm donors need to be screened prior to donation.


  • What is ovarian reserve?
    Ovarian reserve is the number of eggs left in the female. A woman makes all the eggs she will ever have before she is born, about 6 million eggs. Then at birth only 1 million is left because the eggs have already died. By puberty only 500,000 eggs are left. The egg count is constantly decreasing until menopause around age 52 when there are no more eggs left.
  • What are fallopian tubes?
    Fallopian tubes are where the sperm and the egg meet. If the tubes are blocked, the eggs are on one side and the sperm on the other side. They cannot meet and pregnancy cannot occur.
  • What is third party reproduction?
    Third party reproduction is when an outside person is involved to help build your family by either donating sperm, egg, or uterus to carry the pregnancy.
  • How long does fertility testing take?
    Basic fertility testing for the woman will take 2 visits over 7-10 days at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
  • Is fertility testing covered by insurance?
    Some, but not all insurance cover fertility testing.
  • Is it a painful process?
    Egg count testing is a vaginal ultrasound and blood draw. Patient’s experience minimal discomfort with both procedures. Uterine testing requires insertion of a catheter into the uterine cavity and the uterine cavity is distended with fluid. Insertion of the catheter and uterine distension can cause some cramping equivalent to menstrual cramping. Fallopian tube testing requires insertion of the catheter into the uterine cavity, distension of the uterus with fluid, then the filling and spilling of the fluid from the fallopian tubes. This procedure is usually quick with minimal pain if the fallopian tubes are open, but can also cause significant cramping and discomfort if the tubes are blocked.

Gay Couples

What to expect

  • Fertility testing and FDA testing of sperm for third-party surrogate use. 

  • Choose an egg donor who is a known donor or an anonymous donor. 

  • Egg donors will go through a cycle to retrieve eggs. 

  • The donor eggs will be inseminated with the partner's sperm to fertilize and create embryos. 

  • The embryo is then transferred into a surrogate to carry the pregnancy to full term.


  • Can build their family with the help of an egg donor and a surrogate. 

  • Allows couples to have their own genetic children. 

  • Sperm can be used from one or both parents. 

  • Can help arrange an anonymous donor as well as a surrogate. 

More info

  • Egg donor and surrogate may be known or anonymous, but both need to go through the FDA medical screenings to ensure their qualification.


  • What is ovarian reserve?
    Ovarian reserve is the number of eggs left in the female. A woman makes all the eggs she will ever have before she is born, about 6 million eggs. Then at birth only 1 million is left because the eggs have already died. By puberty only 500,000 eggs are left. The egg count is constantly decreasing until menopause around age 52 when there are no more eggs left.
  • What are fallopian tubes?
    Fallopian tubes are where the sperm and the egg meet. If the tubes are blocked, the eggs are on one side and the sperm on the other side. They cannot meet and pregnancy cannot occur.
  • What is third party reproduction?
    Third party reproduction is when an outside person is involved to help build your family by either donating sperm, egg, or uterus to carry the pregnancy.
  • How long does fertility testing take?
    Basic fertility testing for the woman will take 2 visits over 7-10 days at the beginning of the menstrual cycle.
  • Is fertility testing covered by insurance?
    Some, but not all insurance cover fertility testing.
  • Is it a painful process?
    Egg count testing is a vaginal ultrasound and blood draw. Patient’s experience minimal discomfort with both procedures. Uterine testing requires insertion of a catheter into the uterine cavity and the uterine cavity is distended with fluid. Insertion of the catheter and uterine distension can cause some cramping equivalent to menstrual cramping. Fallopian tube testing requires insertion of the catheter into the uterine cavity, distension of the uterus with fluid, then the filling and spilling of the fluid from the fallopian tubes. This procedure is usually quick with minimal pain if the fallopian tubes are open, but can also cause significant cramping and discomfort if the tubes are blocked.

Have questions?
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We are happy to help you with your concerns, uncertainties, and requests.

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